Did you hear the big news?

Did you hear the big news?


Weekend attendance at Community is not the only place we’re seeing more people. Our Celebrate Recovery ministry on Friday nights has expanded exponentially in the last few months! Our Student Ministries on Wednesday nights continue to see new students weekly!

God is doing something special right here at Community!!

Because of our growth, we are needing to add a service on Sundays. This will start Mother’s Day weekend on May 12th. The new service times will be: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am.

There could be a number of factors for all this growth, but I think the simplest explanation is huge. PEOPLE ARE INVITING THEIR FRIENDS!

I had someone recently ask me if we had any evangelistic programs planned for the Summer. My answer speaks to what’s going on…but I said, “Every day is a day for every person at Community to love, serve, pray for and invite their friends to meet Jesus.” Every day IS our evangelism program!

Thank you all for making a difference in our Valley (and beyond).

“Come, follow me,”Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19 NIV)

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